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Ramiro A. Peña Ministry

We are excited to share the truth of God’s purpose on earth for all His children and His loving heart towards them. Ready for the taking, each of us may take hold of the abundant life God provides.

Pastor Peña is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Christ the King Baptist Church. The church has a television ministry in both English and Spanish reaching all 50 states and 249 countries.

Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” -Luke 18:16


Children’s Ministry

Children learn best through repetition, so we work on the same biblical concepts using several different methods: hearing the Bible story, acting it out, and participation using music, art, and other creative learning methods.

During our 10:30 am service, we invite all children to participate in services we have created especially for them. Children in the nursery may be dropped off before the service begins. Kindergarten through 6th grade will begin in the sanctuary with their families for praise and worship and be dismissed at 11:15.


Supernatural Ministry

Our heart and passion is to train, equip, and release the body of Christ to walk in the fullness of Christlikeness and to bring His love and His Manifest Presence into the world, especially in Central Texas.

Discover what prophecy looks like as a life skill in Business, Education, Family, Government, Media, Arts and Entertainment, and Religion.

Next Steps

Lots of Ways to Get Involved.











Join Us Wednesday & Sunday

Service Times

Wednesdays 7–8pm

Sundays 9–10am (en español)

Sundays 10:45-11:30am

Children's Church

We invite your children to come and experience God with us! During our 10:30 am service, we invite all children to participate in services we have created especially for them.

Plan Your Visit

We are located on the corner of Lake Shore Dr. and Hillcrest Dr. Just look for our blue sign that exalts the Name of JESUS! We look forward to seeing you!


Our nursery is available for children up to three years of age. Please feel free to drop your children off prior to the start of our 10:30 am worship service.