About Our Church

We are passionate about worshiping the Lord and celebrating His goodness. We believe in the Word of God and preach challenging sermons that encourage and strengthen our faith in Jesus.
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who we are

We believe Christ is the KING of our lives

We are passionate about worshiping the Lord and celebrating His goodness. We believe in the Word of God and preach challenging sermons that encourage and strengthen our faith in Jesus. CTK is a church that believes that all of the gifts of the Spirit are for today. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8.

We are located on the corner of Lake Shore Dr. and Hillcrest Dr. Just look for our blue sign that exalts the Name of JESUS! We look forward to seeing you!

Sunday & Wednesday Worship Service

Spanish Worship Service – Sunday @ 9:00 am

Entire Service in Spanish
Uplifting Passionate Worship
Bible Based Sermons

Worship Service – Sunday @ 10:45 am

Uplifting & Passionate Worship
Bible Based Sermons
Children’s Church for Kindergarten through 6th grade
Nursery provided for newborns to age 5

Prayer Service – Wednesday @ 7:00 pm

Join us as we pray for each other, for our church, and intercede for the Body of Christ and the nations.







Our Mission & Vision

The scriptures tell us that God has rescued and redeemed us from sin and death for one a glorious purpose: to share in in the privilege of ushering in his eternal Kingdom to earth. As the rescued, we will rescue. As the restored, we will restore. As followers, we will extend Christ’s scandalous, grace-filled invitation to a world in need.


The Vision of Christ the King Baptist Church is:
  • To see every man, woman and child in McLennan County come to a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ: Colossians 1:28-29
  • To be His witness to the ends of the earth: Acts 1:8
  • To hasten His second coming: 2 Peter 3:1-12



The Mission of Christ the King Baptist Church is to build a loving, praying, and discipling congregation that:
  • Obeys the great commandment: Matthew 22:37
  • Fulfills the great commission: Mathews 28:18-20
  • Works to unite the Body of Christ in McLennan county:
    John 17:20-23


To accomplish the above we seek to daily:
  • Develop greater intimacy with God.
  • Develop a more Christlike character
  • Do the things that Jesus did.
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.”

– Hebrews 10:25

Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

We are passionate about worshiping the Lord and celebrating His goodness. We believe in the Word of God and preach challenging sermons that encourage and strengthen our faith in Jesus. Our vision is to see every man, woman and child in McLennan County come to a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:28-29

Rev. Ramiro A. Peña

Rev. Ramiro A. Peña

Senior Pastor

Pastor Ramiro Peña is founder and Senior Pastor of Christ the King Church. His passion is to awaken the nations to the Father heart of God.  He encourages each of you to lift your vision higher.  Whatever you believe God wants for you, HE wants more!



What To Expect


All worship services are normally an hour long. Our Sunday Spanish Service begins at 9:00 am followed by our Worship Service at 10:30 am. Each Tuesday we hold a Prayer Service at 7:00 pm.


During our 10:45 am service, we invite all children to participate in services we have created especially for them. Children in the nursery may be dropped off before the service begins. Kindergarten through 6th grade will begin in the sanctuary with their families for praise and worship and be dismissed at 11:15.


We are located on the corner of Lake Shore Dr. and Hillcrest Dr. Just look for our blue sign that exalts the Name of JESUS! We look forward to seeing you! Get Directions.